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Deborah Maddison | Healing Space

I am Deborah Maddison
and I'd like to 
welcome you to Healing​ Space 
where my purpose is to support
your safe embodiment and joyful connection through the modalities of Breathwork and TRE®
I't's my passion to support you to move through trauma, stress, anxiety and stuckness, back to your birthrights of love and connection.


My Healing Space App now available

This App brings you an immersive therapeutic experience with Deborah. Video and guided audio theory and practice sessions lead you step by step, to help you find better self-regulation and find your calm, for work, rest and play. Includes a section dedicated to sleep. App supports you to grow new habits at a time and place that works for you, 24/7 and right in your pocket. 


You can access a FREE Foundation Course in Understanding & Befriending Your Nervous System right now


"Inspirational. Deborah transmits gentleness, love and kindness"


"Everyone should have access to this important and vital work.

Life changing stuff."


Voted 'most popular speaker' at the 2023 Shift Breathwork Summit (Probably due to saying it how it is in a kind way, and absolute honesty!)




Access free content on Phone app HERE:

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Note - the App does not teach TRE®, or working with the conscious connected breath, it is based on gentle regulating exercises and breathwork practices that form the safe foundation for going deeper, or maintaining a regulated state.

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Here at Healing Space I hold safe space for practices that I have found to be powerful, empowering, mindful and truly supportive to your well being.  They bypass the conscious mind and ego connect with the innate wisdom of the body mind or soma that's available when we safely embody.


They free you to become the person you are really meant to be, underneath any weight you might be carrying and from the burden and conditioning of your past. We can all feel lighter, more energised, more creative and more "on purpose" in our lives.  The ripples then spread to our friends, family and all whom we meet or work with.


However we can also be assured that Breathwork and TRE® (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises or Tension Release for Everybody) rest  on the growing body of research is showing us the many benefits to health, and well being.  I bring in the science of safety to every session, and ensure that this work is truly trauma informed.


With these liberating, embodying practices, your body and mind have the innate ability to heal from stress, tension, anxiety, trauma and associated symptoms. Sometimes those symptoms are simply a call to really wake up to your full potential. It's easier than we think to let go and feel better on a physical, emotional and mental level, we just need to re-learn how. Once we have learnt the tools, we are empowered to use them when needed. This can have a profound effect on daily life, and can be a gateway to new freedom. 


TRE® and Breathwork are mindful practices, the practice of which can also calm the nervous system and integrate  old held material. Utilising these practices mean that it becomes cumulatively easier to access mindfulness (presence) in our daily lives; it's easier to be mindful when one's nervous system has released from fight/flight or freeze reactions.  


Breath and TRE® are also our two innate ways to heal and restore balance, the ones that nature has given us, but we as humans have learnt to repress; once reactivated this allows powerful, natural healing to happen.


Learning to "Shake off Stress" with TRE® or a single breathing session to learn  Coherent Breathing (regulatory breathwork), is a good place to start, as once learnt you can be practicing at home very quickly; they are the most highly effective and user friendly practices  that I have come across.  The long App course, Understanding & Befriending Your Nervous System is a great way to really embed the learnings and practice of Coherent Breathing.


For clients who are working with trauma, including childhood developmental or complex trauma, I offer courses of strongly held safe space working with any of the therapies that are most appropriate, and most of all offering compassionate presence, to explore and find the safety to heal at a gently integrative pace. 


Breathwork and TRE® practice work synergistically, and together create a profound vehicle for the deepest transformation. I offer them in a way that is safe and trauma-informed.  Polyvagal theory (the science of human safety), underpins all my work, ensuring that it doesn't retraumatise, and experience has shown me that "feeling safe" is the most important aspect for healing to happen. 


It is my privilege to hold safe healing space for my clients, whilst "re-learning" these innate ways to free body and mind.  The goal for every client is to feel comfortable with home practice, whether that's after a couple of sessions or regular ongoing work together.


I work in private practice both online and in person one to one and with groups.

I welcome all clients looking to


  • Resolve day to day stresses

  • Learn empowering practices to be used in daily life

  • Heal deep seated long term issues

  • Step out of fear and into empowerment

  • Realise full creative potential in this life

  • Heal and transform and learn to find joy in life


This work is for you if...


You know that to be in the creative life flow, and offer yourself and your work optimally to life, that you have to dive deeply into freedom of body and mind and come home to your true self.


I practice in Bath, Radstock, Somerset and surrounding areas as well as globally online.  

"Shake off Stress" with

 Natural Stress/Tension & Trauma Release

TRE® are physical Tension and Trauma & Stress Release Exercises, also sometimes known as Tension Release For Everybody, that  allow you to shake off stress and tension through the nervous system. It’s a liberating and unique way to kindly and compassionately relate to your body. TRE® is your innate, yet suppressed, stress release capability; everyone benefits from learning it.

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There are 3 kinds of breathwork: 

- Mindful breath awareness

- Regulating Breathwork 

 - Integrative aka Rebirthing Breathwork,

(Conscious Connected Breathing to connect to the body/mind). 


The first two are generally calming.  

With Integrative Breathwork we energise the body to inhabit ourselves more fully and integrate old held material. This breathing practice is a therapy in its own right, because it is so powerful.

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Find all my links  & Booking for All Group Sessions or One to One Sessions at the link:
(Online or in person:


Healing space clients range from 5 to 85 years of age, so far. 

Clients have reportedhealing and profound improvements with the following issues:​

  • Mental/emotional health issues - anxiety, panic attacks, depression, irritability, mood swings

  • Physical symptoms - aching joints, fibromyalgia and other pain (including neck and back), digestive issues, insomnia

  • Addictions, phobias, obsessive thinking, OCD

  • Trauma including short-term traumas/accidents and PTSD 

  • Stress and tension including work/study related stress and burn out

  • Grief/loss/divorce

  • Abuse and bullying related stress

  • Chronic fatigue, lack of energy, general feelings of stuckness

  • Sexual issues

Clients report:

  • More energy

  • Better sleep

  • Improved concentration and focus

  • Enhanced confidence and communication

  • More positive moods

  • Greater resilience 

  • Feelings of empowerment and ownership regarding their wellbeing

  • Feeling more connected to their body/more grounded and safe 


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