My Healing Space App
The App has many free resources which you can access either by downloading the App on your phone, or on a laptop. If you'd like to subscribe to access more, please scroll further down this page to access the standard and concessionary rates
Access free content on Phone app:
Access free content on your laptop:

The Membership App content will keep evolving and growing organically over time and according to your suggestions and requests for particular guided audios and videos.
for lifetime access to NS Courses & Breathe Audio:
(Prices & Payment Links Below)

Understanding & Befriending Your Nervous System Long Course
Breathe Guided Audio
No monthly or annual payment commitment, but only includes the above, not the evolving Library of Practitioners or Theory & Practices for all situations

Note for existing TRE and Breathwork clients
There are some secret App sections which are available to my existing clients who have learnt TRE and Breathwork with me (here I mean advanced breathwork where we work with the Conscious Connected Breath). These App sections are hidden to general view because it's important to me to have taught you to work safely with these modalities.
If you have learnt with me and would like to access them you can contact me for the payment links. It's a sliding affordable scale one off payment for lifetime access.