Group Breathwork (one to one testimonials further down)
What clients are saying ...
I laid down and made myself comfortable. Deborah guided us on how to breath. Music was playing in the background and soon enough I found myself on a wave of energy and tingling sensations in my hands and lower arms. When it was time to stop the Breathwork, I didn't want the sensations to go. Afterwards I felt relaxed, calm and energised. Who would of thought breathing can make you feel so good!
Last night’s Breathe Deeper session was amazing! I really felt something process and complete through my body. And towards the end felt love towards myself from a bigger energy than me. Also felt the need to send love to someone who mistreated me in the past- something I really wasn't expecting in a million years!! Such a wonderful and powerful experience.
Thank you so much for holding such an amazing space. I have had quite an amazing experience, since that very powerful Breathwork I went into rather a hole and felt very anxious for about 24 hours... and then I had so many realisations about my life and about the way forward and I feel absolutely ecstatic today and incredibly positive and FREE!!!!
So yes - profound stuff!
Keep up the good work.
Jo, Bath
I love your gentleness, thank you. I felt the breath work that we did together very calming and I came away feeling very grounded.
I’m looking forward to doing more with you.
Alison Armitage
Thank you so much for creating such a safe and nurturing space for us all. Both yourself and Jacquie have such lovely energy and made the whole process so gentle.
I look forward to doing more TRE and breath work with you both
Kathy Wheddon
Really enjoyed the workshop & slept like a log that night. On reflection, for me, at this point, it was joyous to give myself permission to allow it ‘to be’ however it was & not ‘get it right!’ So yes it was Perfect for me.
Caroline, Bath

One to one Breathwork
(10 session profound transformation course and one off sessions)
- what clients are saying...
As well as Deborah’s myriad skills, warmth and compassion, the most important part for me is knowing that I can completely trust Deborah to hold me when I breathe with her. This gives me the courage to truly let go and enter my inner world. This is where my healing lies and I so appreciate Deborah for her encouragement, nurturing and gift of a safe space.
Sammantha Cave
I looked forward every week to the breathwork sessions instinctively knowing I would leave feeling lighter & relaxed.
I knew I shallow breathed from being an anorexic 15 yr old, so needed to unlearn years of bad habit, which amazingly became easy to rid myself of during that 1st session.
During the 1st session I was vividly transported to a place where I grew up & appeared to be offloading troubles & fears. There was no subconscious suggestion by Deborah beforehand of what would happen, I had no idea what to expect other than to lie down & breath.....
I was both euphoric, & exhausted at the same time by the end, for so much happened in that very 1st session. I can only describe it as mind-blowing. It appeared to turn a key unlocking my mind to being more receptive than usual ... I met my younger self, and saw my parents who have both now passed on, also my departed siblings whom I have never previously met.
Conscious breathing as Deborah had shown me to do in the sessions has helped me to relax immediately whenever I find myself being tense e.g. whilst driving, or whenever I feel panic rising up from my stomach - having been in an overwhelming stressful situation when the Breathwork sessions began I was aware of feeling panicked frequently. That has now eased with conscious breathing which has developed into more natural deeper breathing for me.
Each subsequent session was different, some I attended feeling so exhausted I just rested & at times felt like I had slept - yet never reaching REM sleep, I was always only a step away from being totally awake again. I cannot honestly remember any of what I experienced beyond that profound 1st session.
If I were to analyse/summarise the entire sessions, I would say my 1st session was so full of what needed clearing and cleared the decks/path for my future, & all subsequent sessions appeared quieter, teaching me to build on the technique of breathing for my future well-being. I felt I gained in confidence also.
Deborah has an openness, warmth, & trustworthiness about her that makes handing over your fears, issues, & vulnerabilities the most natural thing to do. I instinctively felt safe, held, and nurtured from the outset of each session. Our friendship was never compromised throughout, if anything it developed a new facet, of admiration and respect. Deborah is a brilliant therapist & I would not hesitate in recommending her.
The breathwork sessions have been a really life changing experience for me. I was so anxious to begin with and didn’t know what to expect at all. My experience was mixed – sometimes the sessions were difficult with a lot of emotion in them, others were transcendentally beautiful. Sometimes I had a lot of memories, other times just feelings and sometimes amazing visions. Sometimes not much happened. Over the course of sessions I have changed and grown as a person so subtly, I hardly noticed it happening at first. The breathwork sessions have enabled me to grow in confidence and become less scared of participating in life. I can manage my difficult feelings more easily too, as well as my energy levels.
I thought Deborah was amazing as a breathwork practitioner. She always made me feel incredibly welcome especially on my first session when I was very nervous and wasn’t sure what to expect. She put me at ease and the relationship just deepened and strengthened every session but without crossing any boundaries or ever feeling anything less than professional. She had a warmth that can be lacking in other similar settings.
Deborah was always very accommodating to my jam-packed schedule and we always came up with a mutually beneficial time to do the work. She was very encouraging for me to bear with any difficulties I found in doing the work and her simple kindness meant I always felt very ‘held’ by her, enabling me to reach a level of comfort and openness I hadn’t experienced in other forms of therapy I have had in the past.
Deborah’s helpful suggestions of follow up books and audio that might help enhance the breathwork or just be of interest to me further engaged me with the experience and her enthusiasm for the work was always lovely to be around.
The work she has put into making the breathing space homely and comforting was also very evident and helped with the overall process – it was always a joy to spend time in her breathing space - both physically and mentally! A big thanks to Deborah!
Claire Emba
The space you hold there is just beautiful.
Breathwork was and had been a part of my life for about 6 months before I met you via a friend for TRE. We got talking and I was so excited to have met someone doing breathwork training.
The sessions from the first time were deeper than I am ever able to achieve on my own! I always feel calmer and more aligned after a breathwork session and although some there was nothing much others were incredible and I went on some amazing journeys… Most memorably to me are the blue elephant that reached over a river I was sat next to and touched my forehead with its trunk. I bloody love elephants and it was so real and beautiful! Another was being taken to a beautiful white temple type place and feeling I was with people but never actually seeing anyone. Another was an incredible beautiful and grounding session in the sunshine outside with my feet on the grass, just what I needed at the time!
Over the last few months life for me has evolved and still is evolving! I went back to work after 8months off with a back injury. I became self employed so I could manage my diary better, I have taken on 2 contracts to make up 30hrs a week of work, I have moved to a beautiful new flat and I am now trying to grow my cosmetic acupuncture and Gua Sha business. Since my final breathwork I have decided to rebrand this business and build something incredible for my future and to help people with self love and self acceptance thorough natural aesthetic treatments.
I truly want to thank you for listening when I was feeling despairing and lonely, for never judging and for only ever holding space and allowing me to be me and feel what I needed to feel in those times to be able to release it and move on! Your little sanctuary that you have created has such incredible energy and is such a warm and lovely place to be both inside and outside!
I am looking forward to seeing all the incredible things that you create and do with your beautiful space. And I hope to get to breath with you again soon!!
Thank you so much for everything!
Jess xxx
I have found the breathwork sessions with Deborah to be a very useful adjunct to my personal health support and spiritual journey. The process has helped me to connect more deeply with the validity of my life experiences and enhance my conviction to move forward in service to share and support others from a place of deeper healing within myself.
The process of exploring and noticing more closely my inner reactions, feelings and the impact of trauma, during and between the sessions has offered me a deeper understanding of inter-relating factors within my situation. Although, at time, a challenging journey, I embrace the opportunity to learn more and transform that which hinders.
Deborah facilitates the crucially important safe space, sensitively with dedicated skill and experience. Her respect for the courage needed to explore vulnerability really demonstrates the value of a practitioner who is walking her own deep healing path. I am very grateful to Deborah for sharing a deeper understanding with me and teaching very insightful self-care tools to integrate into daily life.
Client - 2019