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Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy 
Important Information for the safe holding of clients and practitioners, please read thoroughly.....

Healing Space is committed to providing all clients with exceptional care. When a client cancels without giving enough notice, they can prevent another from being seen or this can sometimes mean a group session becomes unviable. 

It can be upsetting when people miss or need to change an appointment within the 48 hour cancellation period, often because of genuine and stressful reasons, and still have to pay for the session.  The policy is in place to protect practitioners who do not get paid when a session appointment is not kept, and who can be liable for a room hire fee or heating costs or be unable to schedule another client should insufficient notice of cancellation be given. 

The policy is also in place to create a safe holding space for you.  Once you have booked a session I will be expecting you to attend and will be feeling into your session at an energetic level in advance. Sometimes when we begin to heal, and stir the issues, our personality can start to find reasons to avoid (and those parts of us can be tricky, and sound very convincing!). It is normal to sometimes feel a sense of dread when our body is about to meet itself at a deeper level, the ego doesn't like it. However, your commitment to yourself and the session, allows the deeper part of you, that wishes for healing, to feel safe and continue with the process.

Should ill health or misfortune affect your ability to attend I hope you will graciously accept the policy as it helps to ensure continuity for all. 
Thank you for your understanding. 

However life happens, and sometimes we need to cancel or reschedule in which case: 

Cancellation policy for One to One & Group sessions:
These can be cancelled at 48 hours or more notice to receive a refund. In some circumstances (very rarely) if there has been a larger than normal amount of admin, a cancellation fee may be deducted from any refund.  Any cancellation or rescheduling within 48 hours of your session is charged at the full amount, unless there is a waiting list or you can find a replacement. 
Cancellation Policy for Courses, Women's Days and External Workshops:
For some courses and workshops such as Women's Spa Days held externally from the Healing Space Studio, the cancellation period is 2 weeks (or occasionally more) prior to starting; this will be clear in the event information and your booking confirmation. Any changes, alterations or cancellations within this period will be charged at the full fee to ensure continuity for other participants, unless there is a waiting list. Refunds or exchanges for the whole course or workshop will be offered if full notice is given. Within this period you are also  welcome to find someone to take your place. 


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